Chapter 71: Confession(1 / 2)

In front of love, as a man, he always can retreat, but can I retreat as a woman?


Is there any way for a woman to retreat?


The human world has always been harsher on women, particularly those of lower social positions.


Men may afford to be frivolous in terms of romance, whereas women cannot. When men indulge in affairs, it often becomes a lighthearted topic of conversation, but can women do the same?


Women tend to face more significant risks in love, so they often get hurt more than men.


We have fought hard to be here now. Don''t ruin ourselves with such empty romantic love.


They are all fake. I don''t believe such things ever existed in the world.


If love exists, it is not for individuals like us.


A relationship can make people suffer and lose freedom. One can be strong and at ease without falling in love.


In this lifetime, she would repay his kindness and return his affection in the next... However, all he desired was her love in return.


From the outside, it appeared that getting married to such a wonderful gentleman—a man with virtue, talent, good looks, and a distinguished family background—would seem like a blessing from a past life. Yet she only felt the chilling wind and never-ending nights.


there was no way she could marry someone like him.


Dreams of springtime will go like drifting clouds, their blooms plucked by a river that no one can stop.


Tell each nymph and sailor, "It''s fool