Chapter 83: The Prime Minist(1 / 2)

After leavin the residence, Grass couldn''''t stop her tears froflowin, but her lady caly ot into the carriae with a faint sle.


Grass'''' heart ached even re when she saw her lady in this condition.


She had a rouh understandin of her lady''''s character. Thouh she wasn''''t as intellient as her lady, havin spent so ch ti with her naturally allowed her to understand her better than others.


Her lady was a lonely person, both physically and etionally.


Grass was perhaps the one person she could truly trust and who understood her lady better than anyone else, althouh the world was bi and people were as ny as the untains and seas.


This is why Grass never wavered in her devotion to her lady.


"It''''s all fault, lady. I shouldn''''t have tried to be the tchker for the two of you all this ti. I shouldn''''t have inored your warnins and had wishful thinkin. I never expected that I would hurt you in the end. It''''s all fault, lady. If you''''re upset, you can scold . My skin is thick. You can hit as well. I''''thick-skinned and won''''t feel the pain."


"My Lady, if you''''re sad, just let it out and cry. Cryin is better than holdin it in and sufferin in silence."


"Silly irl, I''''ve known all alon that this would be the outco, so there''''s nothin for to be sad about."


"My lady, are you truly not upset?"


"Only those who have been disappointed can be