Chapter 92: Final Chapter(1 / 2)

\"you know I am still madness in love with you, and I will always be till the end of the moon.\"


\"I believe you, and I also believe that I will love only you and be loyal to you until the day I die. I\''m not a diligent wife, nor am I the ideal, virtuous wife and mother in the eyes of the world. I have many flaws, but my strengths are my devotion and loyalty. If I love you, as long as you remain faithful, I will never change for my entire life. If I marry you, as long as you never abandon me, I will never leave you for my entire life, even if the mountains crumble and the seas dry up. My heart will never change.\"


我不是一个勤奋的妻子,也不是世人眼中的贤妻良母,我有很多很多缺点,但是我的优点就是专一,忠诚,若我爱一个人,只要你不变心,我一辈子都不会变,若我嫁一人,只要你不离不弃,我就不一辈子都不会离开你,任他山崩地裂,任他海枯石烂。我的心永远不会变。 ”

\"That\''s why we are bound to be together and have a happy life. You can fulfill my needs, and I can also fulfill yours.\"


Three years later, Bai Ling has become the mother of two children.


She gave birth to two children within three years, living a life filled with joy and contentment.


Her world is complete - she has her parents\'' love, her husband\''s devotion, her children\''s cheerfulness, and a promising career.


It seems like she lacks nothing - her life is so perfect and full of happiness. It\''s as if she has been particularly favored by destiny, a true goddess of luck.


Luo Xiao is a master of interpersonal communication with a high emotional quotient.


Therefore, situations that Bai Ling finds herself helpless in, he can manage to handle.


Luo Xiao\''s adept diplomacy facilitated reconciliation betwe